Jackson Wang Metamorphosis: Athlete - Musician - Designer

Lot 6

Jackson Wang

Fencing Guard


USD $700 - $900

Used during the World Junior and Cadet Fencing Championship in Baku in 2010, this specific guard is from a very significant moment in Jackson's career as a celebrated fencer. Jackson achieved an 11th place world and number 1 ranking in Asia using this guard in the Championship games.

This impressive performance qualified him for the first ever 2010 Youth Olympic Games held in Singapore later that summer.

这个特殊的护手是Jackson作为击剑运动员在个人职业生涯中非常重要的时刻使用过的。2010年,在巴库举行的世界青年及少年击剑锦标赛上,Jackson使用了该护手,获得了世界第11名、亚洲第1名的成绩。 也是在该场比赛中的出色表现,使他获得了参加同年夏天在新加坡举行的2010年首届青年奥林匹克运动会的资格。