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USD $4,000 - 6,000
A personal creation by Jackson Wang, this pendant holds immense significance as it features his surname '王' in Chinese symbol.
Jackson wore this pendant often, prominently at the unveiling ceremony of his wax figure at Madame Tussauds in Hong Kong, where his wax figure also showcases a replica of the pendant.
This pendant symbolizes a very important milestone in Jackson's career.
Manufactured by MCI Jewelry.
这款吊坠是Jackson亲自创作的,因刻有他的中文姓氏"王"而意义重大。 Jackson经常佩戴这款吊坠,尤其是在香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆他的蜡像揭幕仪式上,当时他的蜡像也展示了这款吊坠的复制品。 这款吊坠象征着Jackson职业生涯中,一个非常重要的里程碑。 由MCI Jewelry制造。