Jackson Wang Metamorphosis: Athlete - Musician - Designer

Lot 15

Jackson Wang

Team Wang' Diamond Pendant


USD $5,000 - 7,000

A personal creation by Jackson Wang, this pendant is a reflection of Jackson's distinct style and fashion ethos.

Worn frequently by Jackson, seen during many outings and tours, this pendant was an early statement of identity and artistic expression.

Manufactured by MCI Jewelry.

这款吊坠由Jackson亲自创作,展现了他独特的风格和时尚理念。 Jackson经常佩戴这款吊坠,在许多外出活动以及巡演期间都能见到它的身影。是他早期彰显个人风格和艺术表达的代表作品。 由MCI Jewelry制造。