Jackson Wang Metamorphosis: Athlete - Musician - Designer

Lot 23

Jackson Wang

Louis Vuitton Custom Damier Magic Man Tour Vest


USD $1,500 - 2,500

This Louis Vuitton by Pharrell Williams custom designed damier vest for the "Magic Man" tour was a key piece worn during his groundbreaking tour. This vest accompanied him throughout the tour, marking Jackson's first-ever global circuit which spanned more than a year.

The vest features the distinctive damier pattern, synonymous with the Louis Vuitton brand. Jackson's relationship with Louis Vuitton marked a pivotal moment in his career as a musician and cultural icon.

这件由Pharrell Williams定制设计的Louis Vuitton Damier背心,是Jackson"MAGIC MAN WORLD TOUR"中关键的单品之一。这件背心陪伴他完成了职业生涯首次跨越一年多的个人世界巡回演出。 背心采用了与Louis Vuitton品牌标志性的独特Damier图案。Jackson与Louis Vuitton的合作也标志着他作为音乐家和艺术家职业生涯的一个关键时刻。