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USD $8,000 - 10,000
This Louis Vuitton by Pharrell Williams custom designed leather jacket for the "Magic Man" tour was a key item worn during his groundbreaking tour. Jackson's first ever global tour, this journey spanned more than a year.
This leather jacket played an integral role, featured in countless performances around the globe, symbolizing both Jackson's dedication to fashion and stamina as a musician and cultural sensation. The Louis Vuitton jacket is symbolic of the French luxury house's dedication to craftsmanship and quality, reflecting the partnership between Louis Vuitton and Jackson, which has played a significant role in Jackson's professional journey to becoming a worldwide pop music icon.
这件由Pharrell Williams定制设计的Louis Vuitton皮夹克,是"MAGIC MAN WORLD TOUR"的关键服装之一。这场横跨一年多的巡演,是Jackson职业生涯首次个人世界巡回。 这件皮夹克在全球无数场演出中都发挥了重要作用,既象征着Jackson对时尚的专注,也展示了他作为音乐家和艺术家的耐力。Louis Vuitton的这款夹克象征着法国奢侈品牌对工艺和品质的执着追求,反映了Louis Vuitton与Jackson之间的合作关系,在Jackson成为全球流行音乐ICON的职业道路上发挥了重要作用。