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USD $4,000 - 6,000
One of Jackson's biggest design projects to date was this pumpkin rocking chair, available during the Halloween season of 2022 from the Knock Knock Collection.
This rocker was a significant undertaking for Jackson and TEAM WANG design, reflecting his personal vision and team's innovative design ethos. The chair's design draws from a number of different cultural traditions and customs - with the chair's design meant to embody a "pumpkin ghost" in a sleek and humorous way. Jackson named this pumpkin ghost rocker "PUMPKIE" in the campaign video, as one of the main characters.
Crafted from sturdy black FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) with transparent plexiglass base, this transparent base detail makes it appear like the ghost is floating in the air.
With only 99 chairs produced, each chair is hand-polished and painted, completed with numbered metal nameplate, making each a unique collector's item and piece of TEAM WANG design history. 92/99.
这款南瓜造型的摇椅是Jackson迄今为止最大型的设计项目之一,于2022年万圣节期间作为Knock Knock系列的一部分发售。 对Jackson和TEAM WANG design团队而言,这款摇椅是一个重大的挑战,体现了他的个人愿景和团队创新的设计理念。椅子的设计灵感来自许多不同的传统文化和习俗,以一种时尚而幽默的方式塑造了"南瓜鬼"的形象。在宣传视频中,Jackson将这款南瓜摇椅命名为"PUMPKIE",作为主角之一。 这款摇椅由坚固的黑色FRP(纤维增强塑料)制成,底座采用透明有机玻璃,这种透明的底座设计使其看起来好像漂浮在空中。 这款摇椅仅生产了99把,每把椅子都经过手工打磨和上色,并配有编号金属铭牌,每一把都是TEAM WANG design历史上独一无二的收藏品。这把编号为92/99,就是其中之一。