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USD $400 - 600
TEAM WANG design released this signature velvet bag as part of their 'Cookies 2' collection in 2021. Each TEAM WANG design collection is an iteration of "Cookies", as "fashion is just like a snack, so we call it 'Cookies'" says Jackson.
Velvet emerges as a new element in the TEAM WANG design "Cookie 2", while staying true to the brand's design ethos and identity. Soft and yet structured, this bag is meant to echo the self-assurance and dynamism celebrated in the collection's campaign.
TEAM WANG design在2021年的"Cookies 2"系列中发布了这款标志性的丝绒背包。每一个TEAM WANG design系列都是‘Cookies’的一个迭代版本,正如Jackson所说,‘时尚就像小点心一样,所以我们称之为‘Cookies’'。 丝绒材质在TEAM WANG design的"Cookies 2”系列中成为了一种新的元素,同时保持了品牌的设计理念和身份。这款包既柔软又有型,旨在呼应该系列宣传语中所推崇的自信和活力。