Jackson Wang Metamorphosis: Athlete - Musician - Designer

Lot 10

Jackson Wang

TEAM WANG design Velvet Jacket


USD $500 - 700

This distinctive velvet jacket was the first article of clothing designed and created by Jackson, which predated the launch of his TEAM WANG design. Jackson felt the velvet was a fabric full of strength and emotion, soft like skin. The response from this jacket sparked Jackson's venture into fashion.

Made from luxurious velvet, with "TEAM WANG" written across the back, this jacket is one of the most important pieces of Jackson's fashion legacy.

这件独特的丝绒夹克是Jackson设计并制作的第一件服装,它的问世早于TEAM WANG品牌的推出。Jackson认为丝绒是一种充满力量和情感的面料,柔软细腻。也是因为这件夹克的反响,激发了Jackson进军时尚界的想法。 这件夹克由奢华的丝绒面料制成,背面印有“TEAM WANG”字样,是Jackson时尚作品中最独一无二的一件。