Jackson Wang Metamorphosis: Athlete - Musician - Designer

Lot 5

Jackson Wang

Fencing Training Sabre


USD $700 - 900

A key tool in his training, Jackson wielded this sabre during his formative years as a fencer. The blade’s faded metallic sheen and the handle's peeling plastic are a testament to Jackson's rigorous training regimen and countless tournaments that both he and this sabre endured.

More than just a piece of equipment, this sabre and its physical wear symbolize the hard work and perseverance that defined Jackson's early fencing career.

这把佩剑是Jackson训练时的关键,伴随了他的击剑生涯。褪去了金属光泽的剑身,以及塑料略微剥落的剑柄,都是Jackson严格训练和无数次参赛的见证。 这把佩剑不仅仅是一件装备,剑的本身以及磨损痕迹,都象征了Jackson早期击剑生涯中的付出和毅力。